A Kat’s (GOD AWFUL!!!) Blessing – 132

March 7th, 2025

Since I started boycotting Target for their reversing of DEI measures I started walking to another grocery store for my exercise/grab a few things for dinner walk. It’s slightly further but I get a two mile-ish walk out of it, so it’s fine. Roughly how long my walk to Target was at my old apartment.

Anyway that’s not the important bit of this story.

There’s a few ways to get to that grocery store. The longer way would be me to follow along the road on the sidewalk, which is about 1.25 miles away. Wanting to save some time and distance for weekday evenings I instead cut through my apartment’s complex side streets and junk. As I was walking recently I noticed an ice machine at one of the pools that was a bit of distance from me. Lo and behold it worked!

This got me thinking about the other pool that’s closer to me. Did it have an ice machine too?

Sure enough it did! I can just go up to it and get free ice! And here I’ve been making my own ice like a sucker!

I do got a “chewable” ice machine, but I keep it stored away and am too lazy to dig it out and get it going unless I know I’m going to be making a bunch of smoothies. But now I can just walk over to that ice machine with a bucket and BOOM! ICE!

Now I just need to get a ice bucket…
