Vermont was swell! I had a great time! Significantly less traffic than Dallas, more scenic with all the mountains instead of the flatness of Texas, and there was a sense of chillness in the air. Well, it was cold, but the attitude too. Unsure how to explain it. Maybe it’s because they can get legal weed there. Speaking of I tried edibles for the first time and outside of feeling relaxed it didn’t do all that much? Next time I go back I’ll shoot for a higher dose.
I got to go hiking up a mountain that was a lot of fun, except for the fact I had a headache prior and felt sick the entire climb up. Once I got to the top and got to relax I felt much better and enjoyed the view. Here’s a couple photos: https://bsky.app/profile/mehgazone.com/post/3lbpogausgs25
It’ll be really cool to go again during the summer!
Also this pizza fucks. Holy SHIT! https://bsky.app/profile/mehgazone.com/post/3lbpitknhnc25
Place was called Ziggy’s and MAN was that some good ass deep dish pizza. You could kill someone with the layer of cheese on the bottom of the crust.
Here’s their website for their three locations: https://ziggys.pizza/
A special thank you to Itstoearly in the patreon here for acting as my guide and saving my ass on Monday, because on Monday my plane collided with another plane as it was starting to back up. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/logan-airport-planes-clip-wings-boston/
Thankfully nobody was hurt and it wasn’t that big of a deal in terms of accidents. All it felt like was like if you were driving and you accidentally hit something large while driving on the road. That feeling of “Ah crap, that probably fucked something up underneath the car…”
Moment Frontier sent the text message saying the flight was cancelled I immediately booked the next earliest flight fearing a bunch of the others would do the same. Problem was the flight wasn’t for 24 hours. Instead of having to stay at the airport all day and night Itstoearly paid for a bus rid back to his place and I crashed on his couch watching Sailor Moon and Pokemon on Pluto.tv. He insisted that I could stay in his sons room to sleep on a bed but that fucking couch was comfy as all hell. Probably better than the bed!
Tuesday there were no issues and I managed to arrive at DFW about half an hour early, thus ending my Vermont adventure. Not only that but the first time I ever traveled alone! And first time I had to be the one to buy tickets and shit! Was an insanely anxious experience but now I feel more confident about doing it! Plus I got $100 from Frontier towards another flight as long as I book it within 90 days so I gotta get on that.