January 1st, 2024
Happy New Years!
I hope you all had a nice new years! Mine was pretty mediocre! Had to cancel plans to see my friends as my front wheel tire on my car is making a metallic scraping noise when I drive! Judging by the look of the break pads it looks like something might’ve gotten jammed in it as it will still scrape even when I’m not breaking. Didn’t want to make the half hour drive with that! This also means I’m taking my car to the mechanic tomorrow morning to have them fix it. Jooooooooy.
January 3rd Edit: Took it to the mechanic. Break pads were the issue after all so I got those replaced. There was also this other part on the wheels that needed fixing too, an issue I’ve noticed for years but went eeehhhh on taking it to the mechanic about but figured I might as well get it fixed since I was already there. Final cost was $750. Year just started and my bank account is getting its ass handed!
I’m already tired of 2025 and looking forward to 2026.

“Real men face the sun unprotected!”
And smart men (and women, and all others as well) avoid the risk of skin cancer, ya dope.
i had a feeling this would happen to kat haha