January 9th, 2025
I have a suspicion the website does some sort of updating or whatever Thursday nights as that’s when it has seem to gone down in the past few weeks. Previous weeks it was around this time but I was in the process of uploading Kat pages to it, so my thinking was that I somehow broke it. Tonight I went to go on and upload the pages and it was already down. Seems to fix itself by Fridays, so maybe it’s some server side updating/refreshing/something something thingy.
I don’t have work tomorrow due to the freeze so whenever I get up I’ll check to see if it’s up and then post this week’s episode.
EDIT: January 10th, 2025 The website is going to be moved to a different server next week so hopefully there’ll be less of that downtime issue.
And now onward to the blogpost I wrote yesterday!
January 8th, 2025
How’s everyone doing tonight/day/whatever?!
We got some potential snow tomorrow through Friday. From the look of things Dallas is only gonna get about an inch or so, which isn’t so bad on itself but there’ll be some rain mixed in too so roads are gonna get frozen. My boss is saying there’s a good chance he won’t bother opening up Friday, so I might be staying home then.
My brother and sister-in-law and baby nephew came by to visit, plus help me move this loft bed frame around my apartment. It was nice getting to hang out with them since they’re the only ones in my family that I can be the most open with. We went and got lunch at a sports bar, with my brother and I splitting a hamburger and spicy chicken sandwich. It was pretty darn good!
I’ve been getting into this nasty habit recently of staying in bed for most of the day Sundays, not truly getting up until about 6-7pm to do comic work. Figured part of the problem is a lack of vitamin D as I ran out of supplements and hadn’t bothered getting more since before Christmas. Guess that caught up to me and made me a lazy bum.
In terms of entertainment I’ve been blasting through the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comics. I was not expecting to enjoy em so much! Dallas’ library system has all the collected issues for check out digitally through Hoopla so I’ve been reading them through it. The art’s really well done, the characterizations are great, and I’m enjoy the new “sonic friends” being added like Tangle and Whisper. I’m just about caught up so I’m going to have to find something new to read.
That’s all for this week! I’ll catch ya later!