February 13th, 2025
Thanks for being patient for this week’s update! It’s a double length episode, taking up two entire art boards!
But yeah, the real difficulty came from the panel with everyone jumping into frame. That was a couple panels worth of content itself when you think about the average amount of people appearing per panel as a whole. But I think it came out pretty humorous!
In other news I’m rewatching Eden’s Bowy for the first time since I was 16-years-old where I rented the dvds from my local anime store in 2006!
Honestly have no clue WHY I am. It’s not that great of a show to be honest. Hell, I owned the boxset since like 2007/8 and I have yet to go through the entire thing since my initial watch. The show is basically a fantasy series in a world where there’s two flying islands of advanced technology at war with one another while the planet below is more typical medieval fantasy, and also there’s a god hunter destined to kill God. The creator was a huge Deedlit stan, so plenty elf girl action in the series.
Issue comes from the storytelling. It’s not good and it’s a bit of a mess. Maybe the manga is better but I don’t know. I’ll tell ya that the manga is WAAAAAY different, even just from the first chapter alone being a huge departure to what’s shown in the anime. Also the anime came out in 1998 while the manga ran all the way to 2009. So yeah! They had to come up with an ending over a decade before its actual ending.
However, there are certain things going for it that I enjoy. For one, I like the idea of the setting. It’s pretty cool! I just wish the story taking place was better. Also some of the characters are a lot of fun! Especially the two guys from Yanuess! There a pretty fun comedic duo. And the English dub with those two are superb! The show as a whole is a mixed bag but those two were cast perfectly! Also someone took the time to go through the entire show and chop it down so it focuses mostly on just those characters! It completely messes up the story but at least you can see their entertaining antics without the mess of a show in between!
Another thing is it’s a show from my formative days when I started branching away from what was airing on TV at the time via Cartoon Network, so it holds a special place in my heart. I can’t quite recommend it unless you like late 90s fantasy schlock in an era with early digipaint animated cuts were randomly mixed in with traditionally animated cuts for this awful looking mess. But if you’re like me you might find get something out of it. The very least watch a bit of the playlist I linked to gauge your interest in checking out the whole thing.
Alrighty then! I’ll catch ya next week! Later!

attack on titan i see