Non-Comic Update

First things first: this week’s regular update is going to be postponed. Things got pushed back and my effort to try and get caught up over the weekend didn’t work out because I wound up sleeping for 15 hours on Sunday and stayed in bed until 6pm instead of getting up to work. As I was working on roughs for Kat monday, one particular panel took a few hours on its own, so I decided to throw in the towel of getting it released on time. I’d rather take my time with it instead of rushing it for the sake of getting it done on time.

Part of the problem was that I was also working on a new cover for Kat! The previous cover’s looks were outdated to how the comic looked today, and the peaceful scenery didn’t reflect on the current tone of the comic. So the other day I figured I should start making a cover for each chapter going forward! And here’s the cover for chapter 2… when chapter 2 is nearly 2/3rds of the way done! WHOOPSIE DOODLE!

Those who have read my previous works involving Dallas and Taru won’t be too shocked with where things are heading towards in this chapter. In a way Kat chapter 2 has been a sort of epilogue for the unfinished Magical Girl Dallas story, giving some sense of closure to what I was doing there.

Dallas’ outfit is more or less staying the same from the old design. With Taru I decided to completely redo her look to better fit the 90s anime aesthetic I aim for with my artwork and stories today, taking cues from characters like V-Darn from KO Beast and Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo.

Also pauldrons. Gotta have my pauldrons.

Trivia: CSP on my ipad crashed about 5 times yesterday when trying to finish the cover!