If you’re reading from over there, hi! How are you? If you’re reading this over on Patreon and didn’t read my previous posts about it, you could instead be reading this over on my personal website instead which is much easier to check pages out!
Except for high res pages, roughs, and time lapse videos, along with the odd thing here and there. Those will still be on Patreon proper. EVENTUALLY I’ll make pages for high res and roughs over on my website, but I think what I’ll do is have them go to a patreon post where I’ll continuously update with new chapters as they come out. Remember a few years ago when I did a post that had like half the entire comic’s run in zip folders? I’ll do that again except with a NEW post! Basically move hosting and file transfer rates onto patreon’s shoulders instead of my shoulders and incur potential fees for overly large downloads.
Another thing about this post is that it’s also now available to EVERYONE! He y’all non-patrons! What up!
So let’s kick things off right!’
Check out this PC-98 rendition of a song from Sengoku Rance. It’s pretty neat-o!
I’m going on vacation in next weekend from Friday – Monday to Vermont! It’ll be the first vacation trip I’ve taken since my trip to Japan in 2011 with asshole friend that was a very mixed experience for a variety of reasons that I will not bore you with! Gonna be visiting someone who’s in this very patreon! May even be inside your house! Or even YOU!!!
A true, honest to god, vacation from ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. No comics! No art! Or if it’s art it’s just goofing around and practicing stuff on my own terms. Maybe writing but that’s more personal stuff I wanna do! Gonna play Ys X! Then visit family for thanksgiving!
Cooper will be doing a 4koma guest strip (once I can figure out what it will be about) plus there will be a Question episode. So about two weeks of non-updates.
Anyway, that’s all for now! Hope y’all enjoy the new Mehgazone.com! Big shout out to https://hand-designed.com/ to transferring and rebuilding the website from square space to wordpress! If you ever need website stuff done definitely check em out! They also do branding stuff too!

Yeah, don’t sneak up on a sleeping dog like that. Especially when they’re not used to your smell.
Enjoy your vacation!